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We are an initiative of wealthy people actively working for tax justice in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. 


In Germany, the "top" 10% of the wealth distribution own 62.1% of all assets, while the "bottom" 50% own only 3.4% of all assets overall.(Sources:DIW 2020andDIW 2020). In Austria, one percent of the population owns 40% of the wealth - that is more than than the total sayings of 90% of the population (namely 34.4%) and with a net wealth of about 500,000 euros (unfortunately, exact data on the distribution is rarely in the interest of the wealthy) one generally belongs to the richest ten percent in the German speaking countries. (Sources:AK 2020,WED 2021,FSO 2017, BFH 2017). It can not go on like this. Wealth inequality as it exists today undermines democracy and harms society.


The idea for our initiative was born at a Bewegungsstiftung's strategy workshop in February 2021. We are collecting signatures with an online petition and taking the issue to the people through public relations.


Our work at taxmenow focuses on initiating changes in the tax system and thus structural change for the system as a whole. To do this, our members use their privileged access to the leading media.


We are aware that we argue from the privileged position and that many (grassroots) groups and social movements have been working on the issue of distributional and tax justice for decades. That is why we are grateful to be able to work on campaigns in an alliance with the Netzwerk Steuergerechtigkeit and the Bürgerbewegung Finanzwende e.V. We want to stand in solidarity with these diverse actors and add our perspective to their demands with a loud voice. Our work is not meant to hide how much has already been done, but to highlight exactly that, because the lion's share, as is it common in a democracy, is borne by the social movements.


Support this appeal so that our demands carry more weight. We invite you to start an interaction with your personal environment. Stimulating discussions significantly help to sensitize people to the issue.


We already have over 80,000 signatures!

Sign the petition here!




Our press team:


Marlene Engelhorn, heiress

Stefanie Bremer, heiress 

Antonis Schwarz, heir


These wealthy individuals are committed to taxmenow in the public eye. 

They support the initiative by responding to press inquiries and thus presenting the vision of taxmenow in numerous media.


Under the heading Press you will find all current media articles by the press team.

For all current events, find us on social media:InstagramFacebook and Twitter


(was standingJune 2021. The petition will remain active for 2023!)

Millionaires demand higher taxation of millions of dollars


Corona amplifies inequality, exacerbates health risks, reduces educational opportunities for the poor, while some wealthy people and companies are among the winners of the crisis and have become even richer during the crisis. Inequality in Germany and internationally has been increasing for decades. 


The concentration of power in the form of capital and influence of the few, which endangers democracy, contrasts with the growing material insecurity of the many. According to estimates, one percent of the population owns 35% of the assets in Germany, forty percent have no reserves. 


We are wealthy and we advocate higher taxation of wealth to enable more opportunities, participation and future investments for all. Whether we have come into wealth through work, inheritance, entrepreneurship, or investing, we call for reform in five areas:


  • Reintroduction of wealth tax for assets of millions and billions

  • Limitation of exceptions for business assets and other special regulations for inheritance and gift tax 

  • Progressive tax rates instead of a flat rate for capital gains tax

  • A wealth levy for assets in the millions and billions if government tasks cannot be financed due to the debt brake

  • Stricter rules against tax avoidance and evasion and better resources for the tax authorities


In surveys, it is not only a majority of the population in Germany that is in favor of reforms to wealth taxation. International organizations such as the OECD, the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank are also calling for reforms to combat global inequality and deal with the consequences of the corona crisis. 


We are convinced that more tax justice is the future-oriented way to a society that is based on the values of the common good, equal opportunities and cohesion. Those who own a lot can make a greater contribution to addressing the great challenges of our time: climate change, digitization, demographic change, housing shortages, educational equity and promoting effective wealth creation for all.


The forthcoming elections offer a unique opportunity to strengthen the orientation of assets towards the public good in accordance with the Basic Law. Support this appeal so that our demands carry more weight. Whether wealthy or otherwise supportive: Get in touch with us!


We ask the wealthy among the

Signatories are welcome to contact us directly at For further support with press work, we would be happy to get in touch!


The initiative is free for anyone in the German-speaking area to sign.


Many thanks for the support!

#Taxmenow the initiative for tax justice

64 wealthy signers: inside 

30 of them with their full names: 


Alan Moelholm
Antonis Schwarz (movement founder)
dr medical Dieter Lehmkuhl (doctor, Berlin)
dr Ulrich Geisemeyer
Eva Stilz (movement founder)
Hermann Wiefels (movement founder)
Jan Schade (movement founder)
Marlene Engelhorn (movement founder)

Stefanie Bremer *
Michael Horbach (entrepreneur)
Peter Vollmer
Ralph Suikat (entrepreneur and impact investor)
Simon Hermann (shareholder in a family business)
Volker Baumgartner (movement founder)

Ernest Fuhrman

John Benz

dr medical Irmingard way

Gerd Hofelen (entrepreneur)

Jan Veerman (teacher)

Klemens Ollmaier (entrepreneur and real estate investor)

Paul Hans Weiler (entrepreneur and politician)

Peter Reese (entrepreneur)

Marcel Schwarz (entrepreneur)

Daniel Bruner, Zug

dr Karin Post and Prof. Dr. Stephen Post

Michael Ilg

Nils Schlueter *
Leon.H. Killian *
Jochen Mariss (author and musician)

Michael Stober (Stober estate)
Susanne Haeberle


*Pseudonym, as he works in public relations for taxmenow.

All signatories are known to us by name.

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